Proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws


On behalf of General Minister and President, Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer and in compliance with paragraphs 74 and 75 of the Constitution of the United Church of Christ the Conferences, local churches and delegates to the Thirty-first General Synod are today receiving proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, as voted by the United Church of Christ Board of Directors. These amendments will come before delegates at the Thirty-first General Synod, June 30-July4, 2017 in Baltimore, Maryland.

The amendments and supporting documents are also being posted here on the General Synod website for review by any interested party, including the Conferences, local churches and delegates to the Thirty-first General Synod.

The package of materials includes 1-a letter from the Mr. Geoff Brace, the Chair of the Governance Committee of the Board of Directors explaining the process for bringing the amendments before the Thirty-first General Synod, 2-a guide to the proposed changes, 3-the timeline and process used to bring the proposed changes, 4-the Constitution in a form displaying the existing and proposed versions, 5-the Bylaws in a form displaying the existing and proposed versions and, 6-a document dealing only with the changes to the Constitution and Bylaws regarding the proposed relationship between the United Church of Christ and the United Church of Canada.

Lee Foley
Corporate Secretary-The United Church of Christ Board of Directors

Memo from Mr. Brace
A Letter from the Officers of the Church
A Guide to Proposed Changes
Timeline and Process
Constitution: Proposed 2017 Amendments
Bylaws: Proposed 2017 Amendments
UC Canada Proposed Amendments

A Video Resource Regarding the Proposed Amendments