General Synod 2017 Additional Events
National ONA Gathering
4:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, 2017 to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, June 29, 2017
First and St. Stephen UCC, Baltimore
The ONA Coalition's National Open and Affirming Gathering is June 27-29 in Baltimore—right before General Synod! Join ONA church members and LGBTQ activists throughout the country to celebrate our successes and to plan for the future. Worship will inspire, and workshops will feed your mind and spirit. John Dorhauer preaches at opening worship, and Elly Mendez Angulo is worship leader. We'll celebrate the Coalition’s 45th anniversary with an organ recital Tuesday and dancing Wednesday! To register visit
UCC Science and Technology Network Mixer
Friday, June 30
9:30-11:00 PM
LCM Hospitality Suite, Marriott Baltimore Inner Harbor at Camden Yards
What does our faith tell us about the scientific world? How might our understandings of creation and human potential speak to the current scientific and technological challenges we face? All are welcome to attend this mixer and learn more about the Network, as well as mingle with people who are passionate about science and faith.
Sponsored by the UCC Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) and the Office of General Minister and President (OGMP)
Valerie Russell Lecture: Unnatural Causes: The Toxic Effects of Racism on Church and Society
Saturday, July 1, 2017
1:30-3:00 PM
Hilton Baltimore Hotel
Our speaker is Camara Phyllis Jones, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. Dr. Jones is a family physician and epidemiologist whose work focuses on the impact of racism on the health and wellbeing of the nation. She seeks to broaden the national health debate to include not only universal access to health care but also attention to the social determinants of health (including poverty) and the social determinants of equity (including racism).
Alumni of UCC Young Adult Leadership Development Programs
Saturday July 1
12:00-1:00 PM
Marriott Baltimore Inner Harbor Camden Yards, TBD
Alumni of UCC Young Adult Leadership Development Programs
UCC Research and Statistics Mixer
Monday July 3
5:00-7:00 PM
LCM Hospitality Suite, Marriott Baltimore Inner Harbor at Camden Yards
Are you interested in learning more about the UCC from a statistical perspective? Would you like to converse with others about research or assessment projects on UCC churches and ministers? This gathering is for anyone who has an interest in these topics! Denominational data and research reports will be available at the mixer.
Sponsored by the UCC Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD)